Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Week till the Election!

Dear Friends and Family of District 8,

One week to go until the election! As always, this has been a very grass roots and community based campaign.

We still need your help!

We really need supporters to phone bank at our

Campaign Headquarters

1301 Evans Avenue

Fort Worth, Texas 76104

We also need lots of help on Election Day, May 9th.

Please email me at or call me at 817-817-0007 if you can join us!

Please urge people to go vote! Early voting ends on Tuesday, May 5th

Thank you for everything,

Onward and Upward District 8!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Star-Telegram Endorsement!

Family and Friends of District 8,

Please find below the endorsement by the Star Telegram of me for a 3rd term as your City Council Representative for District 8.

The endorsement means so much to me. However, I am more moved by all the great work we have been able to do together for District 8 and our great city over the past 4 years!

We have just two weeks to go until Election Day! Thanks to all of you for your support and friendship and prayers!!!

Onward and Upward - District 8!!!!!!

- Kathleen

Recommendation: Hicks for Fort Worth City Council District 8

Fort Worth Council District 8

Fort Worth City Council District 8 runs primarily along the east side of Interstate 35 from roughly Texas 121 in the north to past Farm Road 1187 in the south. It includes central city and rapidly growing suburban areas, and has some of the city’s most depressed areas within its boundaries.

Under council member Kathleen Hicks, it has made great strides in the past four years.

Hicks, also mayor pro tem, is high-energy, hardworking and independent, but she has proved that she can bridge the needs of district residents and the city staff for the betterment of both. District 8 has shown a steady decrease of crime during her council tenure.

Hicks, 36, who is the executive director of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of Tarrant County, understands that the issues of transportation in Fort Worth affect the entire region — and vice versa.

Her keen interest in the development of the city’s 10-year plan to end chronic homelessness stems from the fact that the majority of the city’s homeless men, women and children seeks services and help at agencies located in her district.

Hicks pledges to focus in a new term on seeing that Code Compliance works with other city departments and government agencies to improve neighborhoods not only in District 8 but throughout the city.

The Star-Telegram Editorial Board recommends Kathleen Hicks for Fort Worth City Council District 8.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Come Phone Bank for my Re-Election Campaign!!!

Come phone bank for my re-election campaign for Fort Worth City Council, District 8! We are meeting on the dates below. Come one day or come to them all! Food! Fun! Great people! And working for a good cause!

Bring your cell phone and speak to the people in your community about the great strides we’ve made in District 8!

Volunteer Schedule
Tuesday April 21st
6PM - 8:30PM

Wednesday April 22nd
6PM- 8:30PM

Thursday April 23rd
6PM - 8:30PM

Saturday April 25th

Sunday April 26th

Kathleen Hicks Campaign Headquarters
1301 Evans Ave
Fort Worth, Texas 76104

For More Information Call: 817-810-0007

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Busy Saturday in District 8!

It has been a very busy day indeed in our district. My mother joined me at Texas Wesleyan University to hear noted Professor Dr. Bartley L. McSwine, a Fort Worth naive. The historic Saint Andrews United Methodist Church help sponsor Dr. McSwine who lectured on African-American studies. I was then off to address the retired Fire Fighters of Fort Worth who have been long-time supporters and engaged and involved in our great Fort Worth community.

From there, I toured through the Historic South side. Some of the most unique architecture in Fort Worth can be found in this jewel of a neighborhood so very near downtown. This area of our city is truly on the cusp of a new positive chapter of renaissance. It is a pleasure to see all the new buildings in the area including the Hazel Harvey Center for Neighborhoods, the Shamblee Library and lot more to come!

Today, I also got a chance to visit Meadowbrook United Methodist Church where Pastor Jim Chandler. Rev. Chandler has done a wonderful job bringing these communities together. That was never more evident in the basketball I got to witness. My friend GiGi is one of the coaches. Not only is an opportunity for positive activities in our communities, it provides a positive and uplifting experience for kids from all walks of life.

From there I visited with West Meadowbrook President Don Boren and his wife Wanda Conlin about continued re-zoning in the area and other pro-active avenues to keep this wonderful community moving forward in a positive way.

Finally, I meet with United Communities which brings together several neighborhood associations on the south side. We discussed progress with the urban village at Berry and Riverside , the new economic development at the old Masonic Home and other issues.

It has been a long day, but extremely productive as our district continues to work so well to improve our neighborhoods.

Onward and Upward District 8!!!!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Jewel in the Heart of District 8: Cobb Park Renaissance

As a teenager, I often took a short cut through Cobb Park leaving my home in Rolling Hills to make it to Martin Luther King Freeway. Then as is now, the park is not the most inviting. At over 200 acres, it is one of the biggest parks in Fort Worth. Yet, there is little parking and very few other amenities as opposed to Sycamore Park, down the street and also in District 8, which boosts the first new splash pad in the City of Fort Worth.

But Cobb Park is finally poised for a renaissance! At the February 3rd Council meeting, the council unanimously passed a redevelopment plan for the park. With well over 3 million dollars, a new entrance will be constructed, there will be more parking facilities, more picnic areas, a bridge over what is currently a low water crossing and many other improvements. This is the result of a master plan that was created for the park last year. It was the first master plan since the 1960s!!!!!! Over 400 residents participated in the survey demonstrating that District 8 residents care deeply about our parks.

Reclaiming this beautiful space has been a major goal of mine as we work toward the continued renaissance of this wonderful part of our city. Once again, the improvements at Cobb Park signal that we are on positive journey toward real and lasting change for our District 8 community.

Onward and Upward!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Inside Politics Tomorrow

I will be on WFAA Inside Politics tomorrow at 9am on channel 8! Please watch tomorrow!

Onward and Upward!
Kathleen Hicks

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Renewed and Ready for Positive Change!

What an amazing experience this has been! Tuesday was the never-ending day as we wearily trudged back to the hotel after the balls at 2 a.m.! Indeed, below is a picture of my uncle IP, who was my escort for the night taking a quick nap on the Metro.

Khuncle But what an experience! First Lady Michelle Obama looked exhausted by the time she and the president reached the Southern Ball around midnight. But the diverse crowd of over 4,000 was enthralled, and so was I.

We also got to hear Vice President Biden graciously thank everyone for their support. Even after returning back to the hotel, I could not help but watch the television coverage. I have never seen so many people come together in such a positive and remarkable way. During this trip, we have met and seen countless Americans who are so hopeful about our future. We saw friends who were displaced by Hurricane Katrina but were determined to share this moment in history and drove here 22 hours almost non-stop.

At the inauguration, I sat next to Palestinian-Americans who, despite the continued tormoil in the Middle East, remain optimistic. And so I leave Washington, D.C., feeling renewed. I thank the Star-Telegram for this opportunity to share this remarkable journey through this forum. I look forward to continuing to work with many other folks to bring positive and lasting change to our community. As President Obama urged us last night "let's go change America!"